Monday, April 11, 2011

Today is just another day

I got up, got ready for work

The ghost of you followed me as I made the bed. 

I could see you helping on your side

I pulled back the shower curtain and you were already there

My body took the space yours used to occupy

Your drawers are still yours.  I can’t bear to use them

As I did my hair I could see your exasperated expression at wasted time


I can almost feel your hand in mine as I drive to work, our silence is comfortable and full

I look over at the seat next to me expecting you to be there

I can feel your hand as you run it over my hair, caress my cheek

My cell phone chirps and my first thought is that it’s you

But it never is


Today is just another day

You are a living ghost that haunts me

I still expect to roll over and cuddle into the warmth of your back

Your pillow is a pale substitute

I tell myself this is for the best

That I deserve better

Your smile mocks those thoughts

and the memory of your soft lips on my neck makes my heart ache


Today is just another day

That I have to get through

Without you in it

I wish my ghost was haunting you

Blogger Carrie had this to say:

Bravo! You made me tear up though.

8:52 PM, August 21, 2011 

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  • Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States
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